Do You Have A Solar Project We Can Help With?
Dickerson Creek Solar
Project Overview:
- Dickerson Creek Solar is a 150 MWac Solar Energy Project under development in Nottoway County, VA. It will connect directly to the grid using an existing Dominion transmission line.
- Solar Equipment Area is expected to be roughly 750 acres. This will be sited within a single, privately owned, 2,380-acre parcel.
- Given the ample land available, this project will use setbacks and existing mature vegetation to totally screen solar equipment from outside viewers.
- The 750-acre footprint will be comprised of several smaller, fenced-in “pods”, allowing wildlife corridors along wetlands to remain open and navigable.
- Dickerson Creek Solar will bring significant benefit to Nottoway County businesses and taxpayers, including:
- Direct business opportunity for contractors and suppliers such as landscapers, excavators, fence builders, mechanics, etc.
- Significant tax revenue through Revenue Share payments and increased land value. Net fiscal impact is estimated to be $253 thousand in year-one, and $14.1 million over 40 years of operation (see materials, below, for more details).
- Additional funds from a Siting Agreement, yet to be negotiated: In line with what neighboring counties are receiving, this may equate to $3+ million due prior to construction.
- In line with Nottoway’s draft renewable ordinance as well as standard practices in Virginia, this project will produce a detailed decommissioning plan and financial surety guaranteeing removal of all equipment at the end of the project life cycle. This plan must be approved by the county before the Project may be built.
Additional Materials Referenced
Development Status
- Interconnection: The project (queue number AG1-030) will connect to the grid using Dominion’s existing Victoria DP- Martin DT 115 kV line. Dickerson Creek Solar received a favorable Feasibility Study before PJM placed the process on hold to make updates to their interconnection process. Dickerson Creek is well positioned to be in included in Transition Cycle #1 of the updated process, which will proceed in Q1 of 2023.
- County Zoning Permit: Nottoway County is currently engaged in adopting a new Renewable Energy Ordinance, which would allow the Project to apply for a Special Exception Permit. The Planning Commission has recommended adoption Draft Ordinance and the Board has moved to vote on the ordinance once language pertaining to Solar has been added to Nottoway’s Comp Plan. Nottoway County estimates that this may move forward in Q3 of 2023. Dickerson Creek Solar is prepared to meet or exceed the requirements outlined in the draft ordinance and looks forward for the opportunity to present this project for consideration.
- Other Permits Required: After achieving county zoning approval this project will have to complete several additional permitting processes before it can be built. These include, at minimum: DEQ Permit by Rule (for environmental and historic resources), Erosion and Sediment Control, Stormwater Management Plan, VDOT approval, Final Site Plan approval (as required by Nottoway County, including decommissioning and screening plans).
- Site Diligence to Date: SolUnesco’s consultant, Kimley Horn, has completed desktop due diligence for environmental factors and performed a field walk to confirm wetland and slope features. This preliminary investigation revealed no significant adverse conditions.
Project Details
150 MWac
Nottoway County, VA