Do You Have A Solar Project We Can Help With?
Red Brick Solar
- In November of 2016, SolUnesco secured site control of 653 acres and subsequently secured site control of additional parcels, moving the site to parcels totaling 1,663 acres. Site control has also been achieved for an easement to interconnect to the 115 kV transmission. The design for the layout utilizes 935 acres of the 1,663 acres.
- SolUnesco sold the project rights to Apex Clean Energy and executed a Development Services Agreement. SolUnesco retains day-to-day project development responsibilities including landowner relations, community relations, site diligence, vendor management, local, state and federal permitting, support of the interconnection process, and support for commercial offtake agreements.
- The project will interconnect to a Virginia Power (Dominion Energy) 115kV line. SolUnesco submitted applications for interconnect and wholesale market interconnect under PJM queue position AD2-033 for 130MWac. The project has achieved full site control. Once complete, this project will provide power to the wholesale electricity grid and either sell directly to a large customer, the utility, or the utility may purchase the project, adding this competitive, fixed priced power to their portfolio of power generation.
- PJM Feasibility Study and System Impact Study has been completed.
- SolUnesco contracted Timmons Group who has completed a Phase I ESA for the site with no recommendation for further study. In addition Timmons has conducted desktop analyses on the project site: 1) Virginia Department of Historic Resources (VDHR) cultural resources database search; 2) Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF), Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) database searches for the presence of Rare, Threatened or Endangered (RTE) species within a 2-mile radius of the project; 3) compile database information for topography, wetlands, National Hydrography Dataset, soils, etc.; and 4) a wetlands field walk to verify areas identified as wetlands in desktop analysis. SolUnesco has completed a title search for all relevant property.
- In June 2022, Red Brick received it Conditional Use Permit approval from Lunenburg County.
Project Details
130 MWac
Lunenburg County, VA