Do You Have A Solar Project We Can Help With?
Whalebone Solar
- Whalebone Solar is a 3 MW-AC photovoltaic solar project under development in Caroline County, Virginia. The project has 30 acres under site control, and anticipates a project size of 12.5 acres. The solar array will connect to Rappahannock Electric Cooperative’s distribution system via an existing distribution line.
- SolUnesco originated this project and manages landowner relations, community relations, site diligence, local permitting, the interconnection process, and commercial offtake agreements.
- Electricity from this Project is being marketed exclusively to REC (through ODEC), with a power purchase agreement in late-stage negotiations. If built, this project will provide clean electricity to the local community, to the benefit of the REC ratepayer.
- Interconnection: All interconnection studies complete. Interconnection agreement with REC under final negotiations.
- Permitting: County Zoning Application in progress. Project ready to engage in DEQ Permit By Rule process once County zoning is achieved.
- Site Diligence: Phase 1 ESA, Geotechnical, Topographic (flown LiDAR), and Wetland Delineation (USACE Confirmed) field surveys complete. Desktop Cultural Resource and Threatened and Endangered Species indicate no potential impact.
Project Details
3 MWac
Charlotte County, VA